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God is my loving Father. I believe in His Son Jesus Christ. He is my Savior. Our God loves us so much that nobody could be compared with Him in it. God is always faithful to us. He will never leave us. And we should be also faithful to Him and serve Him. And He will bless us, all nations, all tribes. And we will be His Kingdom.


I am a Jew. I belong to the HOLY people Israel.

I remember when I was a child..may be 7-12 years old...I do not know....I asked my mother:
"Who is this man hanging on the cross?"
She said: "The Son of God."
I said:"Oh. Can God have a Son?"

Once my brother asked me one question if I was a born again Christian. I didn't know the answer to this question and only my God showed me passages in Bible and I realized that there is the only ONE WAY to our God through faith into His Son, Son of God- Jesus Christ, and by our sincere repentance for all our sins. John 3:16:"For God so loved the world that He gave His ONE and Only SON (Jesus), that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 14:6 Jesus answered,"I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” And our God will set us free and all bondages of slavery will be broken and peace of God will fill our hearts.

Here is my testimony:

I was 12 years old when I first asked my mother who was Man hanging on cross…she said that He is God, Jesus Christ. I tried to find out who is He. But my family was unbelievers…no one knew it… My God knew my desire and eagerness to find Him and He came to me…I had read a  journal at the age of 12 years where suddenly I found an article: sermon of Jesus Christ on mountain (the New Testament of the Bible). I was just shocked by His words…I re-read it hundreds times…and I was keeping this article for many years. Because when I was reading it, my spirit was calmed down..I just cannt explain was like I was in desert and I was thirsting and His words gave me water to live..My father asked me: why do you read it? Who can understand it? I said: I understand. He said ok, explain what do you understand? And we had a long discussion with him when I tried to say that the 'closed words' are clear to me… Then my brother met some American Christian missionaries and they explained him how he can find God. He bought me Bible and was starting reading the Bible…then brother asked me if I was a born again Christian? I didn’t know answer to this question…In the Bible I found many words how it should be: 1. Through faith in the Son of God Jesus Christ 2.Through repentance of all our sins. I remember how I was crying many times praying my God to forgive me my transgressions and disbelief. And He did it. I felt that I am forgiven. My God knows my name. He knows me personally. My name is written by angels in the Book of Life. And if I will stay with God in this life, He will be with me eternally. He died for me to forgive me. No one did it for me except Him. And I am thankful to Him for that. Salvation of someone by risking own life is the highest love! He has this highest love toward me. Moreover HE IS the HIGHEST LOVE!!!!

Many religions make process to get forgiveness very difficult. Many religions are just writings of evil spirits. Many religions are just result of fevered imagination of people. But in this labyrinth of madness and different beliefs we need to find the one and correct way to heaven. Jesus said that HE IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE and no one is able to come to God except through Him. We just can believe in it, or not. But in the labyrinth of craziness I prefer this faith, not religion, but faith in Jesus Christ. Because He has the most powerful words I have ever heard…. Words coming so deep into my heart like a sword. I prefer to believe in Him but why? Because He saved me, forgave me, died for me and gave me His Kingdom. No one of prophets did it for me! No one religion is the right way because only Jesus is this way we need and we all are looking for. Only He deserves and worthy that we would hope for Him. Because there is enough madness in this world, I need someone to trust. And I am sure, that on this way with Jesus in the desert of this world, I will find the right way to the KINGDOM of HEAVEN where God will live with us and we will not need any other light…because God will be our Light! God already created a New World for us…where all believers from all nations will bow down their hearts and their knees and praise the ONLY ONE LIVING GOD, not any idols or ideals of crazy people and evil spirits but the Creator of universe. Because only He is worthy to be praised for what He IS. For He loves all of us. He is faithful to us. For His unlimited mercy, grace, and comfort we will praise Him here on earth and eternally in His Kingdom.

My mother was unbeliever and she first told me that Jesus was the Son of God.
Do you see unbelievers KNOW who Jesus is. And this faith of unbelievers does NOT save them.
They remain unbelievers. And they will NEVER enter into the Kingdom of God.
They could be BORN of God ONLY if they will BELIEVE that Jesus is God and our Judge and REPENT of their sins (abandoning them) to FOLLOW Jesus' teaching, implementing what He is teaching us. The FAITH in the God Jesus gives us a NEW BIRTH/regeneration and then we are in fact BORN of God to OBEY the God Jesus. Only such FAITH in the God Jesus evident in actions and OBEDIENCE is acceptable to God.
Millions of people know that Jesus is the Son of God but they do not know the God Jesus and they will be in the hell judged for their sinful life.
Thus, we are saved not only by FAITH alone but by FAITH evident in good actions/holy and godly life, DEEDS of FAITH in the Son of God evident in actions.

Brothers, if God lives in us, He transforms us and our lives.
Let me say it so: if you did NOT transform your life, you do not live with God.
If God lives in us, we should be TRANSFORMED, i.e. we should cooperate with God and REPENT, ABANDON our sins and lovers, OBEYING and IMPLEMENTING what God says.
If you do not want to abandon your sins and live a holy life then God does NOT live in you.
Did you know that?
I Never Knew You
Jesus said:

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ Matthew 7:21-23

Brothers, we all fly to the Kingdom of Heaven/run the race of life and only a SMALL Remnant will land safely at the final destination.

Only a few are winners.....
Where will be others?


Live a godly life because we are saved not only by FAITH alone. The God Jesus is going to judge us or reward us. Revelation 1-3

God is going to separate the righteous people who are born of God from the wicked.

The Parable of the Tares Explained
Then Jesus sent the multitude away and went into the house. And His disciples came to Him, saying, “Explain to us the parable of the tares of the field.”
He answered and said to them: “He who sows the good seed is the Son of Man (Jesus).
The field is the world, the good seeds are the sons of the kingdom, but the tares are the sons of the wicked one . The enemy who sowed them is the devil, the harvest is the end of the age,
and the reapers are the angels.
Therefore as the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of this age. The Son of Man (Jesus) will send out His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all things that offend, and those who practice lawlessness, and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.
He who has ears to hear, let him hear!
Matthew 13:36-43

Many people pray about salvation. Will God save them? Will God give them the Kingdom of Heaven or they will join millions of “dead” people who will be condemned by God for their crimes against people and God?

God gave us time to repent.
What will happen if a person does not want to repent and hardens his heart?
The time given by God for his repentance will be finished.
Thus, God gave us a life time to repent.
If there is no repentance and you live a godless life spending time in vain then at some moment of our life, God takes your life and you die. Then you will be sent to the prison/temporary solitary confinement called as hell. People will spend there some time until their Judgment Day.
Punishment for sin is Hell and the Lake of Fire.
“As the weeds are gathered and burned in the fire, so will it be at the end of this world.” Matthew 13:40

Will you endure the Judgement Day? Will you survive?

The day of judgment occurs at the end of the 1000 years. (Revelation 20:11-13).
The “Lake of Fire” occurs at the end of the 1000 years/millennium reign of Jesus on His planet earth created by Him. (Revelation 20:5, 13-15).
God will “reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished.” (2 Peter 2:9).
Jesus Christ sends the lost into the fire after His Second Coming. (Matthew 25:41).

Why the Son of Man/the Son of God is going to judge people and send them to the Lake of Fire?
Because people live wicked lives. They are killers, murderers who violated God’s commandments. They are fake Christians. They did not abandon their sins. They live in sins. They are sexual immoral people....Jesus said that those who hate people are murderers.
Thus, you all, who hate people, are murderers and God is going to judge you.

God will judge people in righteousness.

TODAY God offers you to reign with His Son for 1,000 years on our planet earth. God offers you salvation and forgiveness of all your sins. Repent of yous sins abandoning them. Confess your sins to God in a prayer. Believe in the Son of God and live a godly/holy life.

This is the WAY of God for you leading to the eternal life. The Son of God took the sin of the world to His Holy body on the cross to make us FREE of our sins.
Be free of your sins to live a GODLY life because God commands you to be HOLY as God is HOLY!

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته


ذات مرة سالنى أخى سؤالا" إذا ما كنت مسيحية مولودة من جديد. فلم أعرف الإجابة على ذلك السؤال، و لكن فقط أرانى الله بعض مقاطع من الكتاب المقدس فأدركت أن هناك "طريق واحد" لإلهنا عن طريق الإيمان بإبنه.. إبن الله – يسوع المسيح، و من خلال التوبة الصادقة عن كل خطايانا، كما هو مذكور فى إنجيل يوحنا، الإصحاح 3 و عدد 16 "لأنه هكذا أحب الله العالم حتى بذل إبنه الوحيد (يسوع) لكى لا يهلك كل من يؤمن به، بل تكون له الحياة الأبدية"، و أيضا" فى إنجيل يوحنا، الإصحاح 14 و عدد 6 "أجاب يسوع : أنا هو الطريق و الحق و الحياة، لا أحد يأتى إلى الآب إلا بى (عن طريقى)".


و لذا فإن إلهنا سوف يعتقنا أحرارا"، و ستنكسر كل ربط عبوديتنا و حينها سيملأ سلام الله قلوبنا.


و إليكم إختبارى :



و عندما بلغت 12 عاما"، حينها سألت أمى لأول مرة : من يكون هذا الرجل المعلق على الصليب؟.. فقالت لى أنه الله، يسوع المسيح..، ثم حاولت أن أستكشف عن شخصيته دون جدوى، فعائلتى كانت غير مؤمنة و لا يعرفون شيئا" عنه، و لكن الله عرف رغبتى و تلهفى الشديد بأن أجده.. و بالفعل أتى إلى.. فقد قرأت فى جريدة علمية سوفيتية، و كان عمرى حينئذ 12 عاما"، مقالة وجدتها فجأة بعنوان : "موعظة يسوع المسيح على الجبل" (فى العهد الجديد للإنجيل)، و قد صعقت لكلماته العجيبة.. فأعدت قرائتها مئات المرات.. و إحتفظت بهذه المقالة لسنين عدة، لأنه عند قرائتها كانت تسكن روحى و تستريح.. و لم أكن ببساطة أعرف تفسيرا" لذلك، إلا أننى كنت كمن كان فى صحراء و عطشى للماء فجائت كلماته لتعطينى ماء الحياة..، وذات مرة سألنى أبى : "لماذا تقرأينها.. من يستطيع أن يفهم ذلك الكلام؟"، فقلت له : " أنا أفهمها"، فرد قائلا" : "حسنا".. فسرى لى ما تفهمين.."، فتناقشنا سويا" طويلا" لتوضيح الكلمات الصعبة لأثبت له إدراكى لمعناها..


و بعدها قابل أخى مرسلين مسيحيين أمريكان ، و الذين شرحوا له كيف يستطيع أن يجد الله.. فإشترى لى إنجيلا" و بدئنا فى القراءة معا"، و بعد ذلك سألنى أخى إن كنت قد ولدت من جديد؟!.. فلم أعرف بماذا أو كيف أجيب على ذلك السؤال!.. ففى الكتاب المقدس وجدت عدة طرق يجب من خلالها أن نولد من جديد :


1- من خلال الإيمان بإبن الله يسوع المسيح.


2- بالتوبة عن كل خطايانا.. أتذكر كم من المرات بكيت كثيرا"فى الصلاة لله لكى يغفر لى خطاياى و شكوكى..


و بالفعل منحنى الغفران فقد شعرت بمغفرة خطاياى، فالله يعرفنى بالإسم، يعرف من أنا.. و قد كتب إسمى فى كتاب الحياة، و إن داومت على الحياة معه فسأظل معه للأبد.. فقد مات لأجلى حتى يغفر خطاياى، لا أحد فعل ذلك لأجلى إلا هو فقط، و أنا أحمده لذلك.. أن يبذل أحد حياته لخلاص الآخرين هو كمال الحب، و قد أحبنى للمنتهى، فهو إله المحبة..


ديانات عديدة تستميت بصعوبة حتى تحصل فيها على الغفران، ديانات عديدة ما هى إلا تأليف أرواح شريرة، ديانات عديدة ما هى إلا نتاج خيال بشرى مريض.. و لكن وسط كل تلك المتاهات الجنونية و المعتقدات الباطلة لا نجد سوى الطريق الحق الوحيد للسماء.. يسوع المسيح قال أنه "الطريق، و الحق، و الحياة، ولا أحد يأتى إلى الله إلا بواسطته".. نستطيع إن نؤمن بذلك و إلا.. ففى وسط تلك المتاهات الجنونية هذا الإيمان لى هو الأفضل، لا كديانة بديلة و لكن كإيمان حقيقى بالمسيح يسوع، لأن كلماته هى أقوى الكلمات التى قد سمعتها.. كلمات تخترق عمق قلبى كالسيف، هذا الإيمان لى هو الأفضل، و لكن لماذا؟، لأنه خلصنى، و سامحنى، و مات لأجلى، و أعطانى ملكوته.. لا أحد من الأنبياء فعل ذلك لأجلى.. لا ديانة أخرى هى الطريق، لأن يسوع فقط هو الطريق الذى نحتاجه و الذى نبحث عنه.. هو الوحيد المستحق الرجاء فيه.. لأن العالم به ما يكفيه من الجنون فلا بد أن يكون هو من نثق فيه، و أنا أثق أن فى الطريق مع يسوع وسط صحراء هذا العالم، فإنى سأجد الطريق الحق لملكوت السماوات حيثما يسكن الله معنا فلا نحتاج لنور آخر لأنه هو نور الحياة.. الله خلق بالفعل عالما" جديدا" حيثما يسجد له بقلوبهم و ركبهم كل المؤمنين به من كل الأمم و يسبحون الإله الواحد الحى..


و حيثما لا يكون هناك صنما" و لا معبودا" أو أرواح شريرة مضللة، بل الله خالق الكون وحده.. لأنه هو المستحق له التسبيح و السجود لجلاله، و لأنه أحبنا و دائما" أمين معنا و لأجل رحمته علينا و نعمته و سلامه فإننا نسبحه هنا على الأرض و إلى الأبد فى ملكوته الآتى.. آمين.



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